Protecting vulnerable workers during the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic
All employers have a legal duty to protect workers from harm. HSE has produced guidance on protecting vulnerable workers from coronavirus (COVID-19)….
Create a coronavirus NHS QR code for your venue
Guidance for Employers The C-19 tracker app is now available. The following link will allow you to generate a QR…
NHS Test and Trace service in the workplace
Please follow the link for the latest Guidance on the NHS Test and Trace service for employers, businesses and workers….
Face coverings: when to wear one
This page explains what face coverings are, their role in reducing the transmission of coronavirus (COVID-19), the settings in which…
Protecting Vulnerable Workers
During the coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak, the government has defined some people as clinically extremely vulnerable (shielded). Shielded workers are at…
Use of face masks designated KN95
A substantial number of face masks, claiming to be of KN95 standards, provide an inadequate level of protection and are…
Social distancing, keeping businesses open and in-work activities during the coronavirus outbreak
The HSE have produced guidance for employers and others on measures you can take to help you carry on working safely…
Resuscitation guidance for Covid-19
NHS test and trace: workplace guidance
The NHS test and trace service forms a central part of the government’s coronavirus (COVID-19) recovery strategy and help businesses…