News & Articles

Physical distancing at Distribution Centres for drivers during the COVID-19 outbreak

Loading and unloading goods vehicles can put drivers and other workers at risk. It is important to consider all risks…

Environment Agency Regulatory Response to COVID-19

The Environment Agency recognises the difficulties businesses are facing as a result of coronavirus (COVID-19). The government expect businesses to…

Food Industry: Update 21st April 2020

The HSE has released an open letter to the food industry to address concerns raised by bakeries but is of…

Statutory Inspections During COVID-19

Current Position Due to the Covid-19 pandemic many companies are facing restrictions or challenges to their normal operation. This could…

Social distancing in the workplace during COVID-19: Sector Guidance

Advice for employers on social distancing during coronavirus (COVID-19). Overview This is a list of tailored advice for different scenarios…

RIDDOR reporting of COVID-19

The HSE has issued advice within a document titled: Social Distancing, Keeping Businesses Open and In-work Activities during the Coronavirus (COVID-19)…

COVID-19: Apprenticeship Programmes

This is a difficult time for apprentices, employers and providers of apprenticeship training, assessment and external assurance. The government is…

Coronavirus: A joint statement between HSE, the TUC and the CBI

3rd April 2020 This is an extremely worrying time for firms and workers. We know many workers, union reps and…

Smokers at greater risk of severe respiratory disease from COVID-19

Emerging evidence from China shows smokers with COVID-19 are 14 times more likely to develop sever respiratory disease. If you…