Tight-fitting respiratory protection equipment (RPE), for example disposable FFP3 masks and reusable half masks rely on having a good seal with the wearer’s face. A face fit test can be carried out to ensure the respiratory protective equipment (RPE) can protect the wearer.
To ensure you put on tight-fitting RPE correctly, use a mirror or ask a colleague. Fit-testers should follow government advice on social distancing, as they can make observations from as safe distance and deliver instructions verbally.
The user must carry out a pre-use seal check or fit check.
Take a look at the poster below which gives guidance on how to put on disposable respirators and how to do a pre-use seal check or fit check.
Using disposable respirators – poster (PDF)
For more information fit testing masks to avoid transmission: COVID – 19 see HSE guidance
Guidance on respiratory protective equipment (RPE) fit testing: INDG479