A pre-qualification questionnaire (PQQ) is used in the procurement stage when a buyer is identifying suitable suppliers of a service, and it helps the buyer to determine who meets the requirements of that role. On completion of the PQQ, it is at this point a supplier may be invited to tender.
Specifically, their purpose is to: –
- Shortlist suppliers: PQQs help contractors and procurement teams identify suitable suppliers and contractors
- Ensure compliance: PQQs help ensure suppliers meet the minimum requirements of the contract
- Set expectations: PQQs help set expectations for the standard of work and competition
PQQs are used by: –
- Public sector: PQQs are a standard part of the public sector tendering process
- Construction industry: PQQs are commonly used in the construction industry
- Other Industries: PQQs are increasingly being used in other industries to ensure standards are met in relation to supply chain compliance, and Environmental, Social & Governance (ESG)
A PQQ is a list of questions that potential suppliers answer to demonstrate their suitability for a contract. A PQQ may include: –
- Name of the company, financial compliance, and exclusionary grounds
- Technical references
- Contract examples and technical references to assess the supplier’s ability to deliver the work
- Health and safety, quality, and environmental questions
- Questions about how the supplier ensures quality and environmental compliance
- Memberships and accreditations
- Questions about whether the supplier has the required memberships and accreditations
Specific to ‘construction works’, and when using an online platform to complete a PQQ, there will be varying requirements dependent on whether you are a contractor, principal contractor, designer, principal designer, or a non-construction works supplier.
Ensuring you correctly identify what type of supplier you are will mean you only have to answer questions and provide evidence related to your level of duty as defined in the Construction (Design and Management) (CDM) Regulations 2015.
There may be additional requirements above the core H&S criteria dependant on the type of ‘Construction works’ you carry out to ensure you meet the minimum standard for the industry or work activities you provide.
Work categories that required the provision of additional information and evidence include: –
- Working at height
- Electrical installations and communication installations
- Work on gas installations
- Confined space work
- Work with Asbestos Containing Materials (ACM)
Ensuring you correctly identify what type of work category you come under will mean you only have to answer questions and provide evidence related to the hazards relevant to your undertakings.
Written by Daniel Prosser, MSc CMIOSH L4DipFRA OSHCR
Health, Safety and Wellbeing Professional