
Diabetes Training for Schools & Carers

This training course was designed to help those who work in schools, parents, guardians, youth workers or childminders to care for children with diabetes. This course will also explain how diabetes works and how you can keep a child with diabetes healthy and happy at school.

In the UK there are around 35,000 children and young people living with both type 1 and type 2 diabetes. Learners will touch upon the risks children face and your responsibilities, the different kinds of medication, what should happen when a child goes on school trips.

Time: 40mins


  1. What is Diabetes?
  2. Everyday Risks and Responsibilities
  3. Medication for Diabetes
  4. School Trips
  5. Education and Well-Being
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For 1 staff members to take 1 courses will require 1 credits costing £15 per credit for a total cost of £15